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Code of Ethics

Ethical Values

The five (5) following Ethical Values guide our decisions and our actions at Big Horn Health Services :1) Accountability, 2) Inclusiveness, 3) Openness and Transparency, 4) Reasonableness, and 5) Responsiveness, as explained below:


Our mandate encompasses public protection and patient safety. We are collectively accountable to the community, to our clients and to society generally.​


In the process of planning for health needs, our decision-making process will be inclusive, taking into account views of our clients, our healthcare providers, and the community and other pertinent partners-in-care.

Openness (Transparency)

Our decision-making process shall be open and transparent. We shall strive make ethical decisions that are publicly defensible.


Our decision-making process shall be based on evidence, principles and values that are agreed upon by relevant parties. Our decision-makers shall be credible and held accountable for their decisions.


Decisions shall be reviewed and/or revised in a timely manner, either formally or informally, as new information emerges to best adapt care to the needs of clients.