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COVID-19 Updates

Updated COVID-19 Information for Morley, AB

as of January 28, 2021

COVID-19 Case Information, Morley, AB
There was 6 new cases reported. With 10 recoveries, there are 86 active cases being managed by Big Horn Health Services.

Please follow the restrictions that took effect January 11, 2021 with the State of Emergency order.

  • No house to house visiting or gathering of any kind

  • Curfew from 8pm to 6am, except for work, health or emergency purposes

  • Stoney Tribal Chiefs, Council, Administrators, and staff are not to attend any type of service or gathering

  • As of January 12, on-nation funerals and wakes will no longer be allowed. Virtual funeral services are encouraged, and all remains must go from the funeral home to the burial site.

Penalties regarding isolation, quarantine, and gatherings will be enforced by authorities.

Read the “State of Local Emergency and Necessary Procedures – Stoney Nakoda Nation – January 11, 2021” for full details.



State of Local Emergency and Necessary Procedures – Stoney Nakoda Nation

Jan.11 — An emergency exists within the First Nation of Stoney Nakoda due to the global pandemic of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). The Director of Emergency Management has been empowered to act on behalf of the Stoney Tribal Council.

The Director of Emergency Management in consultation with other members of the Incident Command Team have determined that a state of emergency exists within the Stoney Nakoda Nations of Morley, Big Horn and Eden Valley due to the unprecedented increase in Covid-19 positive cases. The Stoney Nakoda People will be at high risk of infection causing a potential loss of life as well as taxing the available local resources.

Stoney Tribal Council has declared a State of Local Emergency effective immediately. Read more….