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Community Mental Health and Social Work


February 13, 26, 27 (in person)
February 27 (virtual)
March 6 & 12 (virtual)
March 13 (in person)
March 26 & 27 (in person)

To request an appointment:

All appointments are private and confidential.
Self-referrals are welcome!

Days of Operation

Wednesday and Thursday

Hours of Operation

Wednesday 10:30 am – 4:30 pm
Thursday 9:30 am – 2:00 pm

Service Location(s)

Big Horn Health Centre

Contact Information

(403) 721-2262

Mental Health Therapists  offer confidential counseling to children, adults, couples and families.
Psychologists help individuals, families, and communities improve mental health and well-being by providing assessment, therapy, and guidance. They support people in understanding and managing emotions, behaviors, and relationships while promoting resilience and personal growth.

Social Workers support children, adults, families and Elders in promoting their well-being, accessing essential resources and navigating health care. 


  • Advocacy
  • Resource-based services (ID, birth certificates, status cards, finance, housing etc.)
  • Brief counselling and family support
  • Home care support (assisted living/long-term placements, RAMP)
  • End-of -Life support
  • Hospital discharge planning and follow-up care
  • Addiction support
  • Navigation support (Jordans Principle, legal systems etc.)
  • Referrals as necessary
  • Information and education

Appointments are recommended. Walk-ins are welcome.

Note:  we are NOT first responders and DO NOT do home visits to check on personal welfare or safety of individuals (ie. suicidal ideation, psychosis or risk of danger and/or violence). In these emergency situations call, Nakoda EMS or the RCMP at 911.