February 13, 26, 27 (in person)
February 27 (virtual)
March 6 & 12 (virtual)
March 13 (in person)
March 26 & 27 (in person)
To request an appointment:
All appointments are private and confidential.
Self-referrals are welcome!
Days of Operation
Wednesday and Thursday
Hours of Operation
Wednesday 10:30 am – 4:30 pm
Thursday 9:30 am – 2:00 pm
Service Location(s)
Big Horn Health Centre
Contact Information
(403) 721-2262
Social Workers support children, adults, families and Elders in promoting their well-being, accessing essential resources and navigating health care.
- Advocacy
- Resource-based services (ID, birth certificates, status cards, finance, housing etc.)
- Brief counselling and family support
- Home care support (assisted living/long-term placements, RAMP)
- End-of -Life support
- Hospital discharge planning and follow-up care
- Addiction support
- Navigation support (Jordans Principle, legal systems etc.)
- Referrals as necessary
- Information and education
Appointments are recommended. Walk-ins are welcome.
Note: we are NOT first responders and DO NOT do home visits to check on personal welfare or safety of individuals (ie. suicidal ideation, psychosis or risk of danger and/or violence). In these emergency situations call, Nakoda EMS or the RCMP at 911.