Big Horn Health Services sincerely believes that people benefit more from our services when they are actively involved in their care. If you have questions, problems, safety concerns, or unmet needs, please let us know.
If you would like further clarification of the “Clients Rights and Responsibilities Charter” or more information regarding the complaints process, please contact the Big Horn Band Office (403- 721-0250), Big Horn Health Centre (403-721 2262), or email
We recognise and commit to supporting your rights and responsibilities in accordance with the Canada Health Act, the Canadian Human Rights Act, and the Alberta Mental Health Act.
OUR CLIENTS HAVE THE RIGHT (or their representatives)
- To be informed of their rights
- To be treated with courtesy, dignity, respect, and without discrimination
- To have timely access to pertinent information provided in easy-to-understand terms
- To be actively involved in their own care
- To confidentiality, privacy, and discretion concerning their healthcare services
- To high quality, safe care and services
- To participate or refuse to participate in any research concerning their care or condition(s)
- To voice concerns or complaints regarding their care, without recrimination
OUR CLIENTS HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY (or their representatives)
- To participate actively in their plan of care and services
- To play an active part in their own safety
- To respect the confidentiality and privacy of of other clients and healthcare personnel
- To be considerate of other healthcare personnel and clients receiving care from Big Horn Health Services
- To arrive on time for appointments and cancel appointments (if necessary) as early as possible