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Environmental Health: Water Monitoring
Days of Operation

Monday to Friday

Hours of Operation

9:00 am to 4:30 pm

Service Location(s)

Where needed in the Rocky Mountain House general area

Contact Information

(403) 721-2262

Safe drinking water is critical to the health of your family and the community. 
Big Horn Health Services is testing the community’s water supply in all homes on the reserve.  They work in all weather types so expect to see them snow, rain or shine.
Water testing is recommended to be done at a minimum of every 5 years to ensure it is safe. Testing also ensures that the infrastructure – well or cistern, depending on the home – is operating as expected and helps identify what maintenance or repairs may be required.

What’s Involved

  • The environmental health technicians will drive up to your property, honk and remain in their vehicle until they have your permission to test the water AND made aware of any aggressive dogs or other animals.
  • The environmental health technician will come into your home to take water samples directly from your kitchen tap. The technician will remove the tap’s aerator, clean the faucet and then run the water for three minutes. Several samples may be taken depending on the water source. For a cistern – one sample is required. For well water – 10 samples are required to test for calcium, iron, cholera and other potentially harmful bacteria.
  • The other technician normally remains outdoors to assess your water source – finding the well or cistern and septic field, and measuring and inspecting all equipment.
  • Each day, all samples are transported to a testing facility in Rocky Mountain House.
  • Families ARE NOT contacted unless their water needs to be retested.
  • A summary report will be shared with the community at the end of the project and will guide future maintenance and repair decisions.
To find out when the environmental health technicians will be in your area or to schedule a visit, contact Lorraine Abraham (403-721-0211)