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The Big Horn Health Community Outreach Program
Days of Operation

Monday to Friday

Hours of Operation

9:00 am to 4:30 pm

Service Location(s)

Family Resource Center, and Chiniki College

Contact Information

(403) 881-2744 and,
(403) 956-9344


Family Resource Network

Iy’arhe Nakoda Youth Outreach Program (INYO)

INYO is a comprehensive community outreach program that focuses on prevention and intervention to promote wellbeing through a resiliency framework for Young people, aged 12- 18 years old,  in the community of Morley and surrounding areas.

 Main goals:

  • To engage with community youth in various platforms to encourage growth in self-esteem, confidence and leadership through preventive measures and mentorship program.
  • Through a holistic approach, engage with and support youth through Stoney Nakoda Traditional teachings to connect with the traditional ways of knowing to support identity.
  • Work collaboratively with the Big Horn Health Service Multidisciplinary, Crisis Teams, The Stoney Education Authority, the Stoney Child & Family Services and all other interested parties including leadership, community members, and other local agencies and service providers.

Some INYO programs include:

  • Refreshed after-school program
  • Honoring Life Suicide prevention program which includes traditional land-based teachings and other cultural/traditional events, ceremony and celebrations
  • Summer Camp
  • After-school drop-in program – social, recreational

Mini Thni Support team

Crisis planning and response main goals are:

  • To ensure timely access to necessary resources, support and services in times of crisis
  • To be able to address the underlying causes of the crisis; provide and or develop culturally sensitive training for community members and caregivers.
  • Rapid response to an emerging situation
  • Collaborate with community services providers to aid the community in time of needs
  • Support community members facing challenged with adverse situation
  • Referral to services and resources
  • Informational/educational workshops and various help promotion topics

Location: Chiniki College

Contact: (403) 881-2740